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FREE PHONE CONSULTATION From Top Pittsburgh Bankruptcy Attorney

In just the last 6 months alone...

Over $2M Of Debt Wiped Out In My Clients Favor

My Goals For You...

Wipeout all your debt

Stop all creditors from calling

Rebuild your credit in weeks

Walk away with a clean record

Get a complete fresh start

Bankruptcy Petitions Served

Years Bankruptcy Experience

Availability & 

Client Support

Affordable & Convenient

Get The Help You Need Today

Bryan believes that every person struggling with debt deserves the strongest possible representation and the chance to get a fresh start in life.

This includes using the fullest extent of the law to protect you from creditor harassment as well as keep your home and rebuild your credit.

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Tell your side of the story

Be free from worry with an expert by your side

Request Your Free Consultation With Edward

3 Good Reasons To Book or Call Now:

After meeting with Bryan, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. For the first time in years, I no longer felt hopeless. Bryan, thank you.
– Recent Google Review


Struggling with debt can have devastating effects on your life.


Being in debt can have devastating effects on your life. If you’re unable to pay your bills, you may be in the process of losing your home and the stress can affect your family and relationships. When you need to find a bankruptcy lawyer in Pittsburgh, but you’re not sure how to find the right one for you, ask questions; do your research.

For more than 27 years, Bryan Keenan has handled countless cases and filed over 2000 petitions with the court.

Attorney Keenan's ability to listen to you, map out a compelling debt recovery strategy and follow through with aggressive advocacy is invaluable in securing your constitutional rights.

“I treat my clients with dignity

and respect while aggressively

fighting to establish their

fresh start in life.”


It's Not Your Fault... LIFE HAPPENS

From a job loss or illness to a divorce or unexpected home or vehicle repair, before you know it you've wracked up thousands of dollars in debt. 

If you are among the millions of Americans who have had life go the wrong way on them and who are struggling financially to pay their monthly bills and make even minimum credit card payments, you likely feel stressed and overwhelmed.


* When your money has run out, do you find that you still have groceries to purchase, bills to pay and gas to buy?

* Do you let your telephone ring and your mail pile up because you know it's from harassing creditors?

* Are you borrowing from one credit card to make your minimum payment on another?

* Have you been threatened with having your power turned off, your home foreclosed on, your car repossessed or other drastic actions from creditors?

* Are you so overwhelmed by debt that you can barely sleep at night?

* Are you living from paycheck to paycheck, constantly in fear of what is going to happen to you and your family if this financial situation continues?

Free Phone Consultation

Bryan knows that it’s important to you to find the right attorney when you’re worried about how to deal with your debts. That’s why Attorney Bryan Keenan offers a free consultation so you can discuss your particular case. You’ll have the opportunity to talk to Bryan about your situation, hear your options, and decide that Bryan is the lawyer to fight for your fresh start.

Request Your 'FRESH START' Free Consultation With Bryan

Just click the "Book Now" button below and choose a time and we'll call you to answer your questions and give you the help you need...